Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles


IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie

Error 3061 - Too few parameters

An invalid selection has been applied to the report, clear the selection and the report will produce correctly. To clear…


IRIS Accounts Production

Changing the Accountant's/Auditor's Name and Address

Select: Client | View Select Accountant on the bottom left of the screen, this opens the Client Accountant Options screen.…


IRIS Accounts Production

How to remove statistics from doctors accounts?

On the EMED chart go into Edit | Datascreens and select: Specialist Reporting Information | Doctors | Statistics and tick…


IRIS Accounts Production

Why is the Called up Share Capital note displayed incorrectly?

To correct this there are are two things to be checked/amended; The Share Capital needs to be posted to accounts…


IRIS Accounts Production

After running opening balances why does the trial balance not balance?

This is usually because postings have been made to acccounts 568-575 on the Enhanced chart but not to closing stock…


IRIS Accounts Production

How to determine the Package Limit currently in use?

In order to determine the number of licences in use From the menu select Help | About then select the…


IRIS Accounts Production

I have attached a client to the wrong chart how can I change it?

If there have not been any postings made following the steps below will help to Swap Charts Open Accounts Production…


IRIS Accounts Production

No Extract Files to List

If the extract file is not in the correct format, is damaged or the location specfied is empty then you…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I import Fixed Asset Register Data into Accounts Production?

To import the Fixed Asset Register Data into Accounts Production you first need to create an export file (.IRF) within…


IRIS Accounts Production

Unable to Swap Charts - A swap to another chart is not permitted

If Postings or Client specific data eg Account Descrption etc has been entered it is not possible to simply Swap…