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2976 articles


IRIS Accounts Production

V11.9 New Enhanced iXBRL bookmark navigation and advanced text searching

Bookmark Navigation gives you a single click to open any section of the iXBRL report to make accessing the desired…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I create accounts under the New Pension SORP 2015 for (FRS 102)?

As part of the legislative update to the new Pension SORP 2015 we have taken the opportunity to update to…


V11.9 Tranche 2 updates of the Small Business, Enterprise & Employment Act 2015

There is a new tick box against involvements of companies (directors/secretaries) for Consent to Act, which is replacing the Personal…


Unable to open Bookkeeping. Error “The central licencing database cannot be located”

We have seen this issue occur after an update for Windows has affected user permission settings. You will need to…


IRIS Accounts Production

Why am I unable to submit Accounts to Companies House?

This occurs when the software is checking the company name, registered office and year end matched that is held by…



PAYE-Master is starting Auto Enrolment too soon

PLEASE NOTE: This information is only correct for IRIS PAYE-Master.  Your PAYE-Master software may appear to be starting Auto-Enrolment too…


PTP CT - unable to get a short form for returns beginning on or after 01.04.2015

For returns beginning on or after 01.04.2015 HMRC have issued version 3 of the CT600.  There is no short version…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, Earnie, IRIS Payroll Professional

You may not run multiple instances of Payroll

This problem is usually caused by payroll not closing down correctly previously. On your keyboard press ctrl & alt &…


IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie

How to change the employee order on reports

You can change the employee order applied to reports in the "Report table". • Click on Reports > Report Table•…


No new licences available

Click on Close in the bottom right (HAS to be ‘Close’ and not the ‘X’ at the top) Then go…