Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2975 articles


How do I change the Staff ID?

Following the instructions below may help to resolve this; Log into IRIS and open System Maintenance Select the Staff menu,…


Unhandled Exception when running Tax Return report

Following the steps below may help to resolve the issue Close down IRIS Browse to the location mentioned in the…


IRIS Accounts Production

Import TB Error message 'No postings were found in Kashflow for the period XXX'

Users are required to complete the following fields: • Setup | Practice Options | Kashflow - enter login details •…


IRIS Time and Fees

Update Current Instructions

To prevent this message from appearing one user will need to follow the steps shown below: Click OK on the…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll

"Anomalies have been found" message after calculating payroll

Anomalies are conditions that payroll thinks need your attention. This is NOT necessarily an error and the anomalies WILL NOT…


KashFlow Accounting Software

Kashflow Payroll Support

2120 -2120 Kashflow Payroll has it's own support site:


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll

Company Load ID Mismatch

In order to protect company data each company file holds an ID number. This number should match the file name…


PTP TR - entries in boxes 2 and 3 on TR6 for amounts to be collected via the tax code

Boxes 2 and 3 on page TR6 are not manual entry boxes.  They are controlled by the settings selected in…


IRIS GP Payroll

Payment made to an employee after they have left

If you are recalculating the employee’s final pay(amending the final payslip, not making another payment) From the main screen, click…


IRISPortalMenu.exe - Entry Point Not Found

This error can be resolved by upgrading to IRIS 11.7.1. Click Here to access the latest downloads Share This Page