Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2976 articles


SQL Backup Error - Backup Failed For Server 'XXXXX'

This kind of message can be caused because the user may not have the relevant permissions to access the directory.…


IRIS AutoMail

How can I stop double line spacing in Word 2007 / 2010 / 2013

Each version of word uses the 'normal' style to set defaults on font sizes, page margins, paragraph spacing and more.…


IRIS AutoMail

Can P11D letters be generated through AutoMail and merge P11D information?

It is possible to generate an expense claim letter using AutoMail which can merge with some fields in P11D. For…


IRIS AutoMail

How is AutoMail affected by a Data Centre licence?

What is Data Centre Agent details and AutoMail How does AutoMail use Data Centre Technical information What is Data Centre…


IRIS AutoMail

When I generate AutoMail letters the Microsoft Word spell checker does not work

Field codes Turn on Microsoft Word spell checker. Language settings Field Codes Microsoft Word uses field codes as a way…


IRIS AutoMail

Why is the mail merge toolbar greyed out when creating AutoMail Template?

To be able to enter tags to the Word document, you would need to click on the Refresh button in…


No IRIS modules open up on workstation after move or upgrade

This problem is usually caused by the settings withinin Internet Options. The following steps may help to resolve the problem.…


IRIS AutoMail

How can I turn on field codes in Microsoft Word?

Displaying field codes allows you to see all the formatting in AutoMail and Fees templates. Click into the Word Document…


IRIS AutoMail

How do I change the Date format in an Automail letter?

To change the format of the date: Log on to IRIS AutoMail from the IRIS Main Menu The letter request…


IRIS AutoMail

Bespoke AutoMail templates

IRIS Support Assistance With Bespoke IRIS AutoMail Templates The IRIS support team are not Microsoft Word experts and cannot provide…