Knowledge Base Articles

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2976 articles


IRIS AutoMail

When I generate AutoMail letters the Microsoft Word spell checker does not work

Field codes Turn on Microsoft Word spell checker. Language settings Field Codes Microsoft Word uses field codes as a way…


IRIS AutoMail

Why is the mail merge toolbar greyed out when creating AutoMail Template?

To be able to enter tags to the Word document, you would need to click on the Refresh button in…


No IRIS modules open up on workstation after move or upgrade

This problem is usually caused by the settings withinin Internet Options. The following steps may help to resolve the problem.…


IRIS AutoMail

How can I turn on field codes in Microsoft Word?

Displaying field codes allows you to see all the formatting in AutoMail and Fees templates. Click into the Word Document…


IRIS AutoMail

How do I change the Date format in an Automail letter?

To change the format of the date: Log on to IRIS AutoMail from the IRIS Main Menu The letter request…


IRIS AutoMail

Bespoke AutoMail templates

IRIS Support Assistance With Bespoke IRIS AutoMail Templates The IRIS support team are not Microsoft Word experts and cannot provide…


IRIS AutoMail

Is it possible to display the amount due on Jan 31st in a tax letter?

To Produce an AutoMail Template with the current liability tag added to the next year on account you need to…


Backing Up IRIS - Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why can I not use my normal backup regime to backup the SQL database? A. Some software can backup…


IRIS Time and Fees

What is the year end procedure in Time & Fees?

Reconciliation takes place at regular intervals, typically once a month. This is to check that all the information has been…


IRIS Time and Fees

Time has been posted but it is not being displayed on WIP reports

The Time Ledger has a holding system called the "Pending Queue" Postings made on the Time ledger will not be…