Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles


PTP VF - How to Import from a Spreadsheet

1. Select the client from the list 2. Highlight the appropriate period on the left hand side 3. Select the…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Payroll Professional, IRIS Payrite, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll for Accountants, IRIS Payroll Basics, KashFlow Payroll, Earnie, IRIS PAYE-Master

New updates to NI and the Health and Social Care Levy

New updates to NI and the Health and Social Care Levy Enhancements We have updated the system with the new…


IRIS GP Payroll

IRIS GP Payroll - October Update

DO NOT run payroll for the October 2022 period (Month 7) until you have updated your software. Click here Please…


Business Tax- Access Year field on top left (greyed out)

The Year selector field (eg shows as 2022 below) on the top left is only available for Partnerships and Non…


Business Tax- R&D Tax credit and Loss usage is restricted. Why £20,000 restriction?

If you have a R&D credit claim and you also have a loss to be used against gains but you…


PTP TP/CT - Error 3045 Could not use ''; file already in use

There is most likely a process running somewhere, holding a file open. Restart each of the workstations with PTP first…


Trust Tax- Foreign Dividend showing as Other Foreign Income

On the left side - go to Foreign, Additional information: If you tick the box ‘Remittance basis’– it will change…


Personal Tax- Benefit entry missing from Employment income

This can affect any benefit under employment - including cars etc where its value is not totaling up with the…


PT, BT, P11D, VAT, Trust Tax- Read Only Mode. License Expired

When you load the specific IRIS software and select a client and you get a Read Only Mode warning. 1.…


IRIS OpenSpace

OS-119 E-Approval & E-Signature requests on upload don't complete

We have received reports of issues with uploads via that include an e-Approval or e-Signature request where it uploads…