Knowledge Base Articles

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2974 articles


Personal Tax- Echecklist IEF file not found/ Physical file not found / Doc does not exist on disk

This issue may be revolving around: if you have changed servers or updated your servers. As whenever something is sent…


IAS - End of Life for SQL Server 2012

It is possible to upgrade your existing instance to a later, supported, version of SQL but our guidance on this…


IRIS Accountancy Suite, IRIS Accounts Production

Account Period end Date 28/02 is not within 7 days of the expected Accounting Reference Date 29/02 currently held by Companies House. Submitting with the Account Period End Date 28/02 will result in a rejection from Companies House.

This error message appears when submitting accounts with a February accounting period end date. This causes a conflict in the…


IAS-11562 - The licences on this system have failed hardware validation checks

This error typically occurs because the IRIS database has been backed up while licences are active and then restored on…


Business Tax- Selection of Client has been aborted

When you load a specific client in BT you get the warning 1.Make sure your IRIS version is up to…


Personal tax- State Pension value is lower then expected

State pension should be worked out from the start of the tax year (05/04), but when the date payments started…


Personal Tax- Bridging guide. Someone else is currently running the capital assets bridging

This is used to bridge data that was held in Edit return, Income and Dividends to the Share Holdings section…


Personal Tax- Payments on account year XX are not necessary as more than 80% of tax due has been deducted from source

If you get this message on the tax comp: This message appears if the tax deducted at source figure on…


Personal Tax- 2022 onwards Chargeable Event Gain, Top Slicing Relief - Silver Case

If the client has Top slicing relief/Notional tax calculations on the Tax Comp and there is an abatement of Personal…


Personal Tax- IRIS has detected the UTR XXX for client does not match UTR XXX

If you get this rejection warning: Go to Client/ View/ Tax tab/ Remove the UTR/ Click save and then close…