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2974 articles


IRIS Personal Tax

Business Error 3001 Error 7974 when submitting P11d with P46 car forms

This is not an Iris issue but is happening for the following reason:- If the car relinquished date or the…


IRIS Personal Tax

The tax deducted at source is not showing on the tax comp

Users are required to check the following: 1. Select the client for the 2013 tax year 2. Click on Reliefs…


IRIS Personal Tax

How to fill in box 9 on page TC1 with regards to outstanding debt?

Users are required to: 1. Click on Reliefs – Miscellaneous - Tax calculation – Tax code and Overpaid, Underpaid and…


IRIS STARTUP FAILURE - ptpaccts.mdf is compressed

Following the steps below may help to resolve the issue. 1.  Click Start, Click Run, Type SERVICES.MSC and then press Enter2.  Locate…


What version of SQL should I use with Windows 10 or Server 2012?

It is possible to install SQL 2008 and SQL 2008 R2 onto Windows 8 and Server 2012 but there are…


PTP CT - PDF detailed computation created in CT

You can send a detailed computation, however this will need to be sent as a pdf attached file. Click onto…


IRIS Personal Tax

Accrued income relief is being deducted from box 3.4 on the R40

Iris is following the guidance as per the R40 guide pages 4 and 5 provided in the link below.


PTP TP/CT - Password screen appearing when going into the PTP Software

To switch off this prompt click on the Spanner icon and the Configuration tab. In the section called 'Program Start-Up and…


PTP TP - Clogged Losses

PTP Tax Platform software does not deal with clogged losses. Any disposals resulting in a loss would be offset against gains automatically. …


IRIS Company Secretarial

How do I Change the Share Certificate Numbers?

The share certificate numbers can be amended from the Accounts Production and Company Secretarial module by following the below steps:…