Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2973 articles


SQL Server 2008 R2 - Consistency validation for SQL Server registry keys failed

To resolve this problem you will need give the registry key adequate permissions: IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommend that you…


PTP Partnership - Pre filing validation re partnership name

Close out of FBI and open the Partnership return.  On the first page remove the tick from the box to…


How to create a report listing tax returns that have not been prepared in FBI

Open Tax Platform and select the blue reports icon at the top of the screen (second icon from left to…


PTP TR - Claiming Married Couples Allowance (MCA)

On the ‘Client Tax Returns’ tab, under ‘Year specific client details’ the marital status should be set to married and…


PTP TR - Formula used for the cost figure on a part disposal of a land and property asset

The original cost is multiplied by A/(A+B) where A is the proceeds and B is the part retained  Original Cost…


IRIS Personal Tax

Personal Tax- Foreign Tax Credit Relief is missing or a less relief amount

1. Load Personal Tax and choose the client - Reports and Run the Foreign tax credit relief comp and Foreign…


PTP CT - How to enter that company has ceased trading

Open the CT return period. Go to page 2 and select the fanned pages at box 155. The Adjustment to…


IRIS AutoMail

AutoMail crashed when generating letters, that contain Virtual Cabinet Trailers

The following will need to be carried out: Remove trailers Existing document Templates would need to get recreated If using…


PTP TR - Why are the bank details disappearing when printing or going through FBI?

Bank details will usually disappear if users are trying to claim a refund after the option has been ticked to offset against the payments…


PTP TR - Is there a facility to print a SA302 form?

HMRC have recognised that the PTP tax computations may now be used in replacement of an SA302. The client's name and…