Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2973 articles


PTP TR - Why are the bank details disappearing when printing or going through FBI?

Bank details will usually disappear if users are trying to claim a refund after the option has been ticked to offset against the payments…


PTP TR - Is there a facility to print a SA302 form?

HMRC have recognised that the PTP tax computations may now be used in replacement of an SA302. The client's name and…


PTP - How to send an amended tax return where the original was submitted through PTP

It is possible, however amendments made more than 12 months after the online filing deadline for that tax year must be submitted on…


Error 1310. Error writing to file: C:Config.Msi1658852.rbf

Please disable your Anti Virus or Internet Security product and the installation should proceed in the normal way. Share This…


PTP - Getting error 3167 record is deleted

Resolving this error will require remote access to your machine to fix the corrupt database. Please call us on 0344 815 5555,…


IRIS AutoMail

Virtual Cabinet challenges with IRIS Software

IRIS won't support any interaction if AutoMail is used with Virtual Cabinet. Virtual Cabinet is not supported in association with…


IRIS Accounts Production

Important: iXBRL Accounts presentation on the Companies House public record.

When Companies House receive the iXBRL accounts submission they convert the accounts into an image file (a tiff file). This…


PTP Trust - Error in XML: The actual length is greater than the Max Length value. Tag is 'Line'.

This most likely relates to a disposal of Land or Property.  To resolve the error it will be necessary to…


IRIS Business Tax

Warning message appears if Legacy Data hasn't been allocated to Multiple Trade

Users are required to Select:- Edit | Posting | Allocate the postings to a specific trade otherwise they will not…


IRIS Business Tax

Currency conversion available for Yen and Swiss Franc

The following currencies are as follows: UK Pound (£) US Dollar ($) The Euro (€) Yens (¥) Swiss Franc (Fr)…