Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2973 articles


PTP CT - Companies are not appearing in FBI

This is often due to a missing date within the 'Actual Date' field in event 21 of the FBI Events. 1.…


PTP TP - Error 21000 type fatal, when trying to submit through FBI

Click on the Configuration/Firm Details Spanner icon. Then choose the FBI tab. On the right hand side of this screen, there…


PTP TR - Pension Lump Sum not appearing on the tax computation

This is correct.  The lump sum payment will give rise to a charge which is calculated at the lowest rate…


PTP TP - Exception at block 3 : Could not find a part of the path

This is due to PTP not being able to locate a file from the Schemas folder within the PTP data…


Error Backing Up PTP Accounts Production - multiple family media set

In the Back Up Database screen there will be more than one destination selected under disk (in the Destination box).…


How to unlock the SQL database after an update failure

The following steps should unlock the PTP Accounts Production database:   1.       Click Start – All Programs – Microsoft SQL…


IRIS Business Tax

IXBRL Accounts Not being attached in Business Tax

Users are advised that this could be due to the fact that there is a hyphen in their name(s) and…


PTP Tax Platform - Tax return is locked after a system crash

Temporarily logging every user out of PTP Tax Platform and CT Platform will reset the locks.  Alternatively: 1. Go to…


PTP Tax Expense - 5016 rejection regarding title

This is often to do with the missing title of the employee/s from the Title box. Users are required to…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I disclose Joint Ventures and Associate Companies in my accounts?

To generate the required disclosure for Joint Ventures and Associated Companies, the relevant data screen will need to be completed.…