Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles


IRIS Personal Tax

Not getting any indexation

As per HMRC legislation, there will no longer be relief for inflation from 1 January 2018.


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I remove Pension Costs from the Operating Profit note?

Pension Costs will only appear in the Operating Profit note for Small Companies. Small Companies do not produce a Staff…


IRIS Accounts Production

How to remove Registered Number/Accountants from the Flysheet

To remove the Registered Number the following alias should be set: Select Edit | Report Alias - set alias $FN=$FO…


IRIS Accounts Production

The Directors Report is not showing Change of Company Name disclosure

If a 'Change of Company Name' has occured in the first year of incorporation the disclosure will be included on…


IRIS Accounts Production

What Accounts are INCLUDED in the Staff Costs note?

The Staff Costs note will appear with the following balances: Wages and salaries - sub accounts 1-4 Social security costs…


IRIS Accounts Production

It has been reported on some occasions that NOT ALL Opening Balances

One cause is down to missing 'Branches'. If Branches have previously been entered under: Edit | Branches but then deleted…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I remove the sentence 'All Directors being eligible....' from the DIR?

Select, Edit | Data Screens | Report of the Directors | Directors | Directors Retiring at AGM Untick the following…


IRIS Accounts Production

How to remove the Accountants Name and Address from the Company Information page

Select: Edit | Report Aliases Set alias CIN (Standard) =CID (Client specific) This will remove the Accountants Address from the…


IRIS Accounts Production

Copy to be filed at Companies House tick box

Copy to be filed at Companies House The tick box 'Copy to be filed at Companies House' on the Annual…


IRIS Accounts Production

No reference appears to be made to Operating Leases on the HP/Leasing Policy

To generate the sentence above postings should be made on the profit and loss account to the following accounts; 51,…