Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2946 articles


IRIS Company Secretarial

How do I Transfer shares from one person to another

To post a transfer go to Edit | Share Register, select Transfers and click New. This will open up the…


IRIS Accounts Production

Report Options - Group Settings

Each user group can have its own permissions set. If the client wants standardised formats for the accounts, he can…


IRIS Accounts Production

ICAEW - Directors shares not to include spouses if leaves during year

After speaking to the Institute it was decided that the Directors Report should show the Director holding his spouses share…


IRIS Trust Tax

Agents reference on the 41G

Users are required to: 1. Log on to Trust Tax. 2. From the Setup menu, select Practice Options. 3. Select…


IRIS Accounts Production

Is it possible to show multiple Addresses on CIN?

If you go into: Edit | Data Screens | Company Information | Addresses to be Shown- Tick the box to…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I change the wording on The Report of the Accountants?

Select Edit | Data Screens | Auditors and Accountants | Accountants | Report of the Accountants| select the relevant period…


IRIS Accounts Production

How to delete a Posting Entry?

Please Note users are advised to take an extract prior to deleting a posting entry by going to CLIENT |…


IRIS Practice Management

Corporation tax payments and dormant periods

Though no corporation tax payment is required for the dormant period on a company, a blank return should still be…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I show an Item in the Analysis of Maturity of Loans Note?

The Total Amounts in Group 701 (accounts 839-898) will be shown on the Statutory Balance Sheet as Creditors EITHER "Falling…


IRIS Accounts Production

Getting a warning about Client screen for "Provision for Liabilities"

To clear this error, you need to go into: Edit / Data Screens / Notes to Financial Statements / Balance…