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2946 articles


IRIS Accounts Production

Change period end date on Accounts Production

Advised user to go to Edit| account period end date| add| enter in date| ok.


Personal Tax/VAT- Authorised Agents identical names showing? Cannot get HMRC login screen to appear.

This article is relevant for PT users (to use HMRC data retrieval) and VAT filer users (to retrieve Period dates…


Business Tax- Enter DTR (Double Taxation Relief) in Corporation Tax CT600

Please go to: Data Entry - Calculation - Reliefs and Deductions in Terms of Tax Edit DTR Enter the amount…


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS VAT Filer

Personal Tax/VAT Filer- HMRC keeps asking me to login again after days/week. Allow your software to interact with HMRC

You have been regularly using the Personal Tax HMRC data retrieval function or VAT Filer but when you load a…


Personal Tax- Non Resident capital gain/loss not showing on boxes 3 to 13 on CG1 page

The Capital gain residential property section for boxes 3 to 13 on the CG1 will only be completed where the…


Personal Tax-‘FORMAT_NINO The provided NINO is invalid’ and get a MTDerror.log

This is linked to the HMRC data retrieval tool in PT. It is trying to link your client to the…


Business Tax- Group Consortium cannot see and claim a loss. 'Brought forward trading loss relief cannot exceed £0' or No Profit/Loss

How to transfer a loss, read this KB You have a loss making making company and want to transfer loss…


IRIS OpenSpace

VTO- 1172 XHR Returned Response Code 500 when uploading PDF Files to IRIS Openspace

The OpenSpace release on the 02/11/2022 resolved the XHR returned response code 500 issue with encrypted documents, as noted in…


IRIS Accounts Production

3314 in accounts- inconsistent duplicate fact value (core equity)

Run the IXBRL report as normal. When the report has loaded click on the icon for show tag report. Then…


IRIS Accounts Production

Changing the accounting standard from FRS102 to FRS105.

1. Client | View | A/P Dates - insert the start date of the restate accounting period against the correct…