Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2946 articles


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I change the description of 'Patents & Licences written off'?

Solution: The description of 'Patents & Licences written off' is picked up from the Account Description of Account 503/22 If…


IRIS Accounts Production

When Posting, message appears "Is posting date correct?"

This may occur due to the 'Default Posting Date' or 'Year/Period End Date' being incorrect 1. Default Posting Date Select,…


IRIS Accounts Production

I would like to show the page range on the contents page?

Edit | Report Aliases - in the 'Standard' enter '&01' and in the 'Client Specific' enter '&00'


IRIS Practice Management

How do I attach an AutoMail letter to a job stage?

To attach an AutoMail letter to a job stage follow the steps outlined below: Open IRIS Main Menu and click…


IRIS Accounts Production

Changing page numbers within Microsoft Word

Within Word, change the view from Print Layout to Normal by ........................................Page Break.......................................... or ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Section Break (Next Page):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Section…


IRIS Accounts Production

Where do I Enter the Write-off Period and Year of Acquisition for Goodwill?

Select: Edit / Data Screens / Notes to Financial Statements / Accounting Policies / Standard Accounting Policies / Goodwill


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I Adjust the Fly Sheet Window Position?

Select: Setup | Report Options | Fly Sheet - User can CHANGE the Drop, Width and Offset settings. If problem…


IRIS Time and Fees

How do I set the VAT option in Time & Fees and what do they mean?

Contents Introduction Options Differences Setting the correct Options Introduction This Knowledge Base article will explain the different VAT options that…


IRIS Accounts Production

How to amend Position of the Report of the Accountants in Financial Statements?

The position of the Report of the Accountants within the Financial Statements can be amended via the data screens. Select,…


IAS-1675 How do I update the IRIS Licence Details?

To update your IRIS Accountancy Suite Licences: Open the IRIS Main Menu. From the menu pane on the left, select…