Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles


IRIS Time and Fees

How do I save or memorise my most common reports?

Contents Introduction Memorising a report How to access a Memorised Report Introduction If there is a report(s) that will be…


IRIS Time and Fees

How do I amend Charge Rates?

From time to time you may need to adjust your staff charge rates. For example, if you have to review…


IRIS Time and Fees

How can staff performance be monitored within the Time ledger?

Under the Reports | Staff Reports menu a selection of reports are available. These include: Missing Timesheet Allows you to…


IRIS Time and Fees

Can I create a shortcut that allows me to post Timesheet entries only?

Creating a shortcut to the timesheet entry application enables a user to access their timesheet only, without using up a…


IRIS Accounts Production

Accountants name and address to appear on fly sheet

If running LTD, PSA or PSN: set the alias FLY=FLO if running PSI: set the alias FLI=FLO To set alias…


IRIS Time and Fees

How is a job created on a client and is there a quick way?

Creating new Time ledger jobs for clients can be achieved in several different screens and the most common are below:…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I show full disclosure for debtors and creditors?

If full disclosure is required the exemption can be overcome by selecting: Edit | Data Screens | Small Companies/LLPs |…


IRIS Accounts Production

Highest paid director emoluments totals not appearing for current or last year

Highest paid director emoluments will ony appear if they exceed £200,000 The highest paid director information will not show if…


IRIS Practice Management

Automatic completions from Personal Tax to Practice Management

Please note this is a guide to the automatic completions available and not a definitive list of what has to…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I reduce the number of clients on my Package limit?

The package limit is based on the number of clients with a Chart attached, e.g. ELTD, EPST. To view a…