Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles


IRIS Practice Management

How do I delete stages from a job profile?

To delete a job stage from an existing profile follow the steps outlined below Open IRIS Main Menu and click…


IRIS Practice Management

How do I add stages from a job profile?

To add job stages to an existing job profile follow the steps outlined below Open IRIS Main Menu and click…


IRIS Accounts Production

Importing data from other packages into Accounts Production; warning appears

Users are required to confirm that the column order on the CSV file is as follows: Amount, Account, [Undertaking -…


How do I change the default rounding account?

To change the rounding account at Client level, users are required to select: Posting | Rounding Accounts | select -relevant account code(s). To…


How do I Set up Partners, Partnership Profit Shares & Joint Capital Accounts?

Please refer to: Help | Help topics | Frequently Asked Questions | Partnerships.


How do I Backup my IRIS SQL Database?

Below are the two methods to back up your IRIS Database that support suggest. Using the IRIS Database Manager function…