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IRIS Business Tax Knowledge Base

182 articles


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- Invalid ixbrl (comp) attached does match CT600 submission, company name period start date period end date company?

This can be related to two parts: 1)The IXBRL generated from AP and/or 2) The Tax comp generated in Business…


IRIS P11D, IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Business Tax

Business/Personal Tax/P11D: Fatal Error 1001 cvc-enumeration-valid: Value 'XXX' is not facet-valid with respect to....

This can affect BT, PT and P11D submissions - each has its own checklist below: 1.If in BT/PT then Load…


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Business Tax

Business/Personal Tax: HMRC Unsuccessful submission for Reference XXXXXX

This warning is coming from HMRC. If you submit a BT or PT tax return to HMRC and you get…


IRIS Practice Management, IRIS Business Tax

IRIS PM- Additional BT Job Created when uploading a CT600 to OpenSpace

When a CT600 is generated and uploaded to IRIS OpenSpace it appears to create an additional job on Practice management…


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Business Tax, IRIS P11D, IRIS Trust Tax

Business/Personal Tax Transmitting: Pending status, Polling and Gateway busy, Establish connection

Any Gateway or Transmission issues are usually as a result of the HMRC server experiencing a busy period; self-assessment submissions…


IRIS P11D, IRIS Business Tax, IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Trust Tax

Personal, Business, Trust Tax- How to Import a Client's Extract

If you get the extract from eg another accountant/office then always check their IRIS version matches your IRIS version (Help…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- How to attach PDF of a IXBRL/Tax comp when generating CT600?

You have a reason to attach a PDF copy of the Accounts IXBRL copy or a PDF of the Tax…


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Business Tax

Personal/Business Tax- Enter CIS Deductions

In Personal Tax 1. Load the client and select correct year 2. On the left side: TPV, STP, open the…


IRIS Business Tax, IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Accounts Production, IRIS Trust Tax

IRIS AP, PT, BT, Trust tax: Need report on active clients

If using Accounts Production - Go to Help and About, the 'Accounts Productions' Tab- it will list the number of…


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Business Tax

Personal/Business/Trust Tax - Failed Authentication, check Client UTR, ID and Password (1046)

If you are on P11D then read this KB: If you get the Error Code 1046 in Business Tax…