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2975 articles


IRIS Practice Management

IRIS 22.1.0- Old Email Addresses Appearing when sending an email from Communications

When sending a Logged/Unlogged email from the IRIS Communications tab to a client there have been reports an email address…


Business Tax- CT600L and R&D SME L167+ L168 for PAYE and NIC Liability

Data Entry | Research and Development CT600L | Company PAYE and NIC Liability - you need to untick the 'Exempt…


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS VAT Filer

IRIS Home Menu / PT and VAT Filer: Not possible to retrieve HMRC data- no internet connection was detected

When you load a client or all clients for the PT, VAT Filer etc and this error appears: When submitting…


Trust tax: Invalid data 'amount' nan is invalid according to its data type, SA Non negative Monetary structure the pattern constraint failed

This error is normally linked to a Trust with multiple Beneficiaries with income allocation. Ensure you are on the latest…


P11D and PT- Car Engine size 'CC' and car benefit % calculation

The Car benefit % value is calculated using these three factors: a.Car Registration Date (as it uses either the NEDC…


PCSR - Problems importing a company formed by London Law

Some users have been experiencing this problem since London Law updated their FTP Server. Please make sure that Port 21…


Business Tax: Payable RDEC Box L125 must equal Box L105 minus the sum of Boxes L120 and L123

If you have a RDEC Expenditure claim and it gives a payable tax credit then you generate a CT600 you…


Trust Tax: Show Capital Gain TC1, TC2 etc pages

The pages are automatically completed if the Trust has income or loss from Capital gains. If the client is Non…


Personal Tax- Net profit loss SA103F(S) equal sum of SA103F(S) turnover Or 3001 6055 6059 FSE 47/48/ - Expenses missing

If you have TWO or more Sole Trade Businesses and one has claimed the trading allowance and one has claimed…


Business Tax: Box 625 51% Group - how to leave blank?

This a design decision where '0' can be counted as ‘blank’ result in box 625.  So currently you cant forcibly…