Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2946 articles



VAT Filer- Excel import but get Index out of Range warning Non Negative

You have tried to import the Excel spreadsheet but you keep getting this warning (this can be caused if your…


IRIS GP Payroll

Error 396; Orientation property cannot be set within a page

Update: This issue is corrected in v2021.801.3. Please update to this version or higher to prevent the issue. Otherwise, follow…


IRIS GP Payroll

A successful Full Payment Submission has already been sent

We are currently investigating an issue in GP Payroll v2021.800.2 where users are being prompted that a successful FPS has…


Personal Tax- How to link 'IRIS Payroll' to PT

Here is the weblink on how to link the two programs There is also link here: Select IRIS Personal…


VAT Filer- Data Retrieval Error, The Period key is invalid

Our Development team has checked the error logs and this message relates to the 'period key' given by the HMRC…


Trust Tax: Edit capital gain 'Annual Exemption' value

Load the Trust and select relevant periodIncome, Capital Gains and Dividends, Capital Assets, Top left - Edit, Losses and Other…


IRIS My ePay Window

Payroll department registration for MyePayWindow portal

This content has been replaced by the IRIS My ePay Window Help Centre. This topic can be found under Setup My…


VAT Filer- Authorise the software to interact with HMRC

To use IRIS VAT filer you are required to authorise the software to interact with HMRC on your behalf. A number of steps are…



IRIS Docs Confidential Clients

Currently Confidential Clients in IRIS will not automatically sync into IRIS Docs, if you require a confidential client to appear…


IRIS P11D, IRIS Business Tax, IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Trust Tax

Personal, Business, Trust Tax- How to Import a Client's Extract

If you get the extract from eg another accountant/office then always check their IRIS version matches your IRIS version (Help…