Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles


IRIS GP Payroll

IRIS GP Payroll: Guides for Furloughed Employees

Furlough Extension Update 31st May 2021 Further update on the furlough scheme COVID-19 – Furlough Job Retention Scheme Changes and…



IRIS PAYE-Master: Guides for Furloughed Employees

Furlough Extension Update 31st May 2021 Further updates on the furlough scheme COVID-19 – Furlough Job Retention Scheme Changes and…


IRIS My ePay Window

MyePayWindow: How do I print Pension Letters for employees without an Email address?

Visit the new IRIS My ePay Window Help Centre Printing pension letters for employees with no email address


IAS 93104- AML Search Link Not Found

We have been made aware of an issue on 24/05/2021, when clicking on the AML Search Button within the Client…


IRIS My ePay Window

How do I set the in house payroll in IRIS myePayWindow

When would you use it? If you have multiple users accessing My ePay Window and you want to hide your…


IRIS Docs- The Installation has Timed Out

IRIS Docs has been updated to the latest version on the server. When Opening IRIS Docs on the workstation you…


PTP TR - Pre filing validation 6836 regarding box 96 on the balance sheet

Error code: 6836, Type: businessThe amount entered in box [FSE96] must equal the amount entered in box 47/FSE48 on page SEF3. Please…


PTP TR - Claiming back an overpayment of Capital Gains Tax

Property disposals are reported within 30 days of the disposal via a separate HMRC system  However, during the completion…


IRIS Payroll Business

IRIS Payroll Business: Guides for Furloughed Employees

Furlough Extension Update 5th May 2021 The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furlough) has been subject to numerous changes.Here is a…


IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS Payroll for Accountants

IRIS Bureau Payroll: Guides for Furloughed Employees

Furlough Extension Update 5th May 2021 The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furlough) has been subject to numerous changes.Here is a…