Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles


IRIS Elements Clients Are not Syncing From IAS Suite.

Firstly you would need to check you have a valid license showing for IRIS Elements in the IRIS Accountancy Suite.…


IAS- 93028 IRIS Automail Letters Displaying Tags & Formulas after generating

We have been made aware of numerous issues with the formatting of templates once generated within the IRIS Automail Module…


IRIS GP Payroll

GP Payroll: Update stops at the 'Searching for the installation step

User may find that the update process just appears to stop, or it may generate the error: 'reinstall.exe has encountered…


IRIS GP Payroll

GP Payroll: How to process a bonus payment with an employees normal pay.

In the “Payroll Calculations” screen double click into “Extra Payments” On the “Extra Payments” window enter the bonus value in the Amount field,…



Earnie: Guides for Furloughed Employees

Furlough Extension Update 27th April 2021 The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furlough) has been subject to numerous changes.Here is a…


IRIS PAYE-Master, Earnie, IRIS Payroll Basics, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Earnie IQ, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Bureau Payroll

Software Security Standards Update

What is Transport Layer Security (TLS)? TLS is a protocol that provides end-to-end communications security over networks and is widely…


IRIS Business Tax – AiB

Business Tax Capital Allowances - When ticking 'include in General Pool' - Iris keeps putting the assets into the Special Rate Pool instead.

This is a DEFECT in the software Version 21.1.0. The work around would be, not to reopen the screen once…


IRIS Trust Tax

Trust Tax 2021- Page 12 boxes 22.2 and 22.3 missing Principle Trustee Details.

This is a DEFECT in the software Version 21.1.0. Unfortunately, the only workaround - if the Trust Tax return needs…


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Accountancy Suite

IAS-92986: 2021 Tax Return Master List cannot run 'MASTER cannot be selected' warning.

Go to Personal Tax for this clientGo to Administration at the top of the screenTax Return Master ListSelect ‘Scheduler’ or…


IRIS Business Tax

IAS-93002: Boxes 530 and BOX 875 missing R&D credit figures since updating to version 21.1.0.

This was a DEFECT in the software Version 21.1.0. This issue has now been fixed via Hotfix. IRIS Business Tax…