Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2974 articles


PTP TP - Warning regarding Eyes not closed

This refers to the Eye symbol which appears on brought forward returns, to draw attention to any areas where entries…


IRIS Keytime, IRIS Keytime Personal Tax

Scottish/Welsh rate of tax

To change the rate of tax to Scottish or Welsh you will need to click on calculate and amend the…


IRIS Keytime VAT Filer

IRIS Keytime - reset VAT Filer credentials

Resetting your credentials in IRIS Keytime Practice Manager for VAT Filer Open Practice ManagerLogin as the AdministratorClick File > OptionsClick…


OS-112: Something has gone wrong, please try again or contact the support

OpenSpace eApproval requests error out with the "something has gone wrong," message. The upload in some cases does complete uploading…


IRIS Keytime Corporation Tax, IRIS Keytime Personal Tax, IRIS Keytime Practice Manager, IRIS Keytime Company Secretarial, IRIS Keytime Accounts Production, IRIS Keytime

Moving Keytime onto a new PC

1. Install the software on the new computer using the following link: You will need to install the full…


IRIS OpenSpace

OS-111: OpenSpace Approval Coversheet not appearing in the document

Missing Approval Coversheets in documents from OpenSpace A completed request will display the approved status almost immediately however the coversheet…


IRIS Keytime Practice Manager, IRIS Trust Tax, IRIS Keytime Accounts Production, IRIS Keytime Corporation Tax, IRIS Keytime Personal Tax

IRIS Keytime Data Manager

To use Data manager, here are the steps to follow: Right click on the PM icon on your desktopSelect Open…


IRIS Keytime Accounts Production

Setting up Funds in Charity Accounts

You can create as many funds as required, these are defined as either unrestricted (general or designated), restricted or endowment…


IRIS Keytime Practice Manager, IRIS Keytime Personal Tax, IRIS Keytime Corporation Tax, IRIS Keytime Accounts Production, IRIS Keytime Company Secretarial, IRIS Keytime VAT Filer

Keytime reconfiguring after Windows updates

When attempting to access any of the modules of Keytime Suite, corporation tax or personal tax the following message appears…


IRIS Telephone Support

We were experiencing intermittent issues with some phone numbers impacting some customers. This is now resolved and you should be…