Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles



IAS-10070 - IRIS Docs Email Assistant Add-in Not Showing in Microsoft Outlook

In Outlook click on FILE – OPTIONS – Add-ins - You should a screen like the below. The first section…


IRIS Payroll Business

No entitlement to SSP when recording sick period in employee diary

There are various reasons this might occur: Payroll needs 8 weeks' previous gross pay to average and check the employee…


IRIS GP Payroll

Transferring IRIS GP Payroll to a new P.C.

Transferring GP Payroll to a new PC On the new PC install the latest version of GP Payroll as a…


IRIS Personal Tax

Error Code 3001 8387

This issue is a DEFECT in the software and should be fixed in Version 20.2.0, which is due to be…


Personal Tax- Figures are Not Showing In Data Mining

In order for Tax figures to show within Data Mining they must be finalised within Personal Tax. In order to…


IRIS Accounts Production, IRIS Accounts Production

Prepayments and accrued income on balance sheet

Post to nominal code 687


Statement of Corporate Governance Arrangements showing heading with no narrative

This has been raised with the development team who have classed this as a software defect found in IRIS version…


IRIS PAYE-Master, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Payroll Basics, IRIS Bureau Payroll

Error 429: ActiveX component can't create object

Any error of this nature indicates that one or more components of your software are not working or registered correctly…


Why is the next Confirmation Statement due date not appearing on the Confirmation statement date report in IRIS Company Secreterial?

When running the Confirmation statement dates report the CS01 next due date is currently blank. This is a software issue…


Why is the PSC Register not showing nature of control?

This is a software defect found in version 20.1 by the development team. This will be fixed in a service…