Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2946 articles


MyWorkPapers historical adjustments

This is due to the rounding in MyWorkpapers which differs to the way rounding is dealt within Accounts Production. We…


Charities SORP 2019

This second edition of the SORP is applicable to relevant charities accounting periods beginning on or after 01/01/2019 (this edition…


Balance Sheet wording

Changes have been made to the balance sheet wording to bring this in line with FRS 102 guidance. This applies…


Error 1315 - Unable to write to the specified folder when installing PTP Products on a network

For clients running on a workgroup, peer to peer or domain setup, you may experience the error below when installing…


Error 1315 - unable to write to specified folder when installing Keytime on a peer-to-peer (workgroup) network

For clients running on a workgroup or peer to peer setup, you may experience the error below when installing the…


IRIS Accountancy Suite, IRIS OpenSpace

Users unable to login to OpenSpace from my website using advanced website integration

In order to overcome this issue, we would recommend using our intermediate website branding rather than advanced. So that your…


PCSR - How to do a global share reorganisation using the Share Reorganisation wizard

Please note this method is only applicable where the same reorganisation rule applies to all members holding shares of a particular type. …


PCSR - Comms log error (Receive Authority2File) The requested connection could not be opened

This error means there is a problem connecting to the dedicated email address used for Authority2File (getting e-approval from clients…


PCSR - Is it possible to edit the Minutes template

This can be done via File > Subscription Details & Preferences > Global Preferences > Customise Minutes Wizards.


PCSR - Comms Log error 9999 Error Description: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference

Companies House would need to clear these to prevent the error from reoccurring.  They would need details of the Presenter…