Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2946 articles


AML- How to Network IRIS Anti Money Laundering (Desktop Version)

You will need to ensure you have installed IRIS Anti Money Laundering on your server, for instructions on this please…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- CT600N Residential Property Developer Tax 2023

The new CT600N Residential Property Developer Tax full functionality is released in our autumn release IRIS version 23.3.0 HMRC have…


IRIS Personal Tax

Personal Tax- Share disposals appear as S.104 Holding?

When you dispose of shares - they may appear under the Capital Gains comp as a 'S.104 Holding' (Section 104)…


Business Tax- Creative Tax Credit Rates incorrect on 23.2.0

This is a known defect on IRIS version 23.2.0  Please download the latest version of IRIS version 23.3.0 and the…


Business Tax- R&D Tax Credit Figure Tax Comp incorrect but Tax return correct (23.2.0)

This is a known defect on IRIS version 23.2.0 which only affects the Tax comp (the CT600 is correct) and…


PTP VF - INVALID_REQUEST error when submitting VAT returns after updating to version 23.3.111

It was not possible to connect to HMRC to collect this client's data.  Please contact support quoting the following error:INVALID_REQUEST…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- Creative Tax Credit higher rate extension Post 2023

The latest rules for the Creative Tax relief Post 2023 are from the IRIS version 23.2.0 update LINK: The government announced a…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- Post 01/04/2023 R&D SME and Intensive tax credits

There are two rules applying for the R&D SME from the IRIS version 23.2.0 update LINK: 1.The government announced that…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- Submit and get Void_com_issue_error(Int32)

When you try and submit a Tax return you get the error: Void_com_issue_error(Int32) 1.First check if you have any PDFs…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- How to populate Box 659/657 SME R&D Expenditure?

Load the Client and relevant period - go to the SME R&D screen and fill in R&D Expenditure box ;…