Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles


IRIS GP Payroll

NHS Employers Pension Contribution 19/20 Incorrect

GP Payroll is setting the employers pension contribution for England/Wales at 20.68% & 22.5% for NHS Northern Ireland for the…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Peoples Pension: Confirm Action message when uploading during the re-enrolment period

This message occurs because Peoples Pension intended to utilise an additional indicator in their pension file structure to indicate which employees need assessing…


IRIS Business Tax

VAT Filer - Error message: It is not possible to file VAT returns for partners

It is now possible in version 19.1.0 to submit VAT returns for partnerships. This message can be bypassed.



Failed to retrieve client obligations when completing own VAT submission/return

This can be due to the user using the agent authorisation in the accountant screen, instead of alternative accountant. User…


Installation Error 3 when running Workstation Setup

This is being looked into by the Product Management team but for the time being there is a workaround for…


IRIS P11D Organiser

Loan detail | 'Use Calculated Value' option is calculated at 3% instead of 2.5%

This will be fixed in the service pack 19.1.1 release of IRIS. As a workaround, the user should go to…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Payroll Week 53, 54 or 56

If you run a weekly, 2-weekly or 4-weekly payroll you might find you need to complete an additional period after…


IRIS P11D Organiser

Receiving error message 'Missing Detail: No P11Ds included

This will be fixed in the service pack 19.1.1 release of IRIS. Customers are advised to wait until then, however…


IRIS Time and Fees

Time in practice hours not calculated correctly in 19.1.0

You will need to download the new link on our website and run, and this will no longer show incorrect.…



I'm resending an FPS but this time my leavers don't show up

This is correct as per the HMRC specification. Once the details of a leaver have been successfully sent to the…