Knowledge Base Articles

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2975 articles


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie

AE Config Tool - Step 4 - Pre-staging workforce assessment

To get an estimate of the effect of AE on your payroll, type in the employees and employers contributions you…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll

Re printing/publishing p60 for a previous tax year

If you are producing a P60 for the last tax year you can use the "Use Last Year's Data" option…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Where can I download a NEST template to create a CSV file? AE FAQs

If you are using the IRIS AE Suite the necessary CSV format details are already in your payroll software. When you…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Getting HMRC Messages delivered to your software

To activate online messages, first log onto your HMRC account. Under the Welcome banner on the right-hand side of the page…



How do I report a company that has ceased trading under RTI?

If your company ceases trading, the Ceased Trading Date on the General Information tab of Company Details will be used…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll

Can I restore a leaver?

To restore a leaver, click once on their name in the list down the left-hand side. You may need to…



How to process Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

There are 3 methods you can use when paying SSP in PAYE-Master: • Manually based on a value• Manually based…



Missing Datafile message when opening a company in PAYE-Master

This error indicates the the company payroll database isn't in the location it was last accessed by PAYE-Master. Normally we…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie

AE Config Tool - Step 6 - Pension Provider scheme details you will use for automatic enrolment

Please Note: This information should be supplied by the pension provider. IRIS Support CANNOT advise you how this should be…


IRIS GP Payroll

Pension Uplift - Phasing- IRIS GP Payroll

In this short free BiteSize session we will cover: • Background to phasing• How to update the pension amounts• How to update the default amounts• Where…