All I want for 2023 is... an Engaged Parent Community

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About this webinar:

Schools receive anecdotal feedback about the effectiveness of their parental communication all the time. But to get a holistic handle on how parents feel about their school’s efforts to engage with them, we asked school parents using our IRIS ParentMail application across the UK how they felt about the effectiveness of their school’s communication.

We received a whopping 71,129 responses from primary and secondary school parents, allowing us to draw a very representative picture of current attitudes towards parental engagement.

So how can you engage your parents this year? Join us to discover:

●  The top-level findings of our UK school parent survey
●   What parents want to see more or less of from their child’s school
●   How technology can support you to put this research into practice

Webinar Details

Duration: 30 minutes


Tom Kershaw – Senior Education Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

Tim Cropper-Williams – Education Product Director, IRIS Software