What's new in Staffology Payroll?

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Staffology Webinar January 2023 V1 1 1 | What's new in Staffology Payroll?

About this webinar:

At Staffology, we’re constantly building new features and enhancing current functionality in order to give you and your employees something to smile about.

Would you like to know more about the latest payroll updates we have in store for you? Or perhaps you’re curious to know what Staffology’s future plans look like and how you can contribute to them?

Listen to our Staffology product update webinar where we cover:

  ➼ What’s coming up in Staffology Payroll

  ➼ A demonstration of our newest features

  ➼ How you can contribute to our roadmap


Alex Hay Product Management Team Leader, IRIS Software Group

Abbey Vint – Content Design Team Leader, IRIS Software Group

Chris Ruddy – Engineering Senior Manager, IRIS Software Group

Grant Burdon – Software Engineer Manager, IRIS Software Group

Jon Low – Product Management Manager, IRIS Software Group

Thomas Derbyshire – Senior Customer Support Manager, IRIS Software Group