Minding the Attainment Gap During the Cost-of-Living Crisis

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Minding the Attainment Gap

About this webinar:

This webinar lifts the lid on the cost-of-living crisis and the risks it poses to disadvantaged children’s wellbeing and attainment.

We are joined by an expert panel, including Lauren Whateley from Bookmark Reading Charity, Deputy Headteacher Sarah Tai, and Schools Effectiveness Advisor Vicky Matthews, to discuss:

  • New insights on the disadvantage gap
  • Practical advice on how schools can ensure it doesn’t widen during the cost-of-living crisis
  • Effective allocation of pupil premium funding during the crisis
  • How schools can develop low cost, high impact initiatives that effectively target, engage, and elevate attainment and wellbeing for disadvantaged pupils


Tom Kershaw
Education Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

Lauren Whateley
School Relationship Manager, Bookmark Reading Charity

Sarah Tai
Deputy Headteacher, St John the Baptist Primary School

Vicky Matthews
Schools Effectiveness Advisor, Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust